generic solutions to the problems

It is possible to provide some simple, standardized solutions to the problems with the way strategic planning is carried out.

These are the generic steps that can be taken to correct the problems we have identified.

  1. Conduct strategic planning and decision making more often – as frequently as possible.
  2. Make strategic decisions as quickly as possible.
  3. Do the research necessary to learn all the types and amounts of strategy-related data that are available. Decide whether to seek and gather additional data.
  4. Determine the currency of the data items being used. Decide whether to seek and gather more current data.
  5. Review the validity of the data items being used. Decide whether to continue using them in their present form, attempt to clean and validate them, or seek new data sources.
  6. Identify connections between different data types and draw correlations that may lead to new conclusions. Review the connections and correlations taken from the data that the organization has been using in its strategic planning.
  7. Review the chain of reasoning behind the data conclusions. Apply proven logical rules to all the data being used.
  8. Provide training to executives in the established principles of rational decision-making. Review the decisions actually made for their adherence to those principles. Apply those principles to future data decisions.
  9. Request from strategy planners the assumptions used in making their decisions. Review decisions for other assumptions that may be apparent. State them in express, objective terms. As part of the strategic planning process, regularly examine the assumptions to see if they are still valid. If not, determine the effect this has on the prospects for the chosen strategies.
  10. Require an implementation component for every strategic plan; set up a formal procedure for monitoring its performance. During the life of the plan, follow the implementation, note where it is falling behind, and make appropriate adjustments.

Corporations can take the initiative to carry out these corrections and dramatically  improve the  functioning of their strategic planning. Or, they can turn to an outside source for a more comprehensive revamping of the entire strategic planning process. We propose to be the latter.

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