how users will operate the system

In this section, potential customers will get a brief introduction to how they will interact with our products. Depending on the specific design, the operational capabilities may vary.

Our designers and engineers will create systems that meet the unique needs and preferences of each customer. Every client will select the features that it wishes to use in its strategic planning. Some of the features will provide value while operating as freestanding products and will be available for sale that way.

Users of this product will have a customized application and interface installed on their personal computers. Eventually, we will offer our  products only through a proprietary terminal – like Bloomberg but more attractive and more functional.

We will work with our most ambitious customers to design an onsite command center where strategists will be surrounded by current, dynamic data brought through the cloud system from multiple data sources. It will  include graphic displays, real-time readouts, and terminals for selecting output and formats.

Typical system interactions will happen like this:

  • At his/her personal computer or terminal, a manager receives a regularly scheduled report on strategy events or trends that have occurred (e.g., Fed announcement on interest rates, annual financial report from major competitor, market prices for key resource, latest unemployment rates).
  • A manager receives an unannounced alert (on his/her smartphone app) about an unanticipated strategy incident (e.g., new federal regulation affecting our products, sudden change of government in foreign country of operation, strategic partner is subject of antitrust suit).
  • A marketing executive is concerned about the strength of the company’s market position and asks the system about which market segments are growing, which are declining, which are stagnant, and which other segments are unexploited.
  • A corporate planner wishes to propose three alternative strategies but is unsure whether the company has the resources to support them; he/she asks the system to calculate the resource requirements of each strategy, suggest an allocation of available resources among the three, and consider where, how quickly, and at what cost additional resources could be acquired.
  • Upon hearing suddenly of a competitor’s new strategic initiative, the VP of Strategy within hours uses the system to assess the serious of the threat and suggest some counter-moves.

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